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Restylane® Fillers

The Restylane family of products are indicated for patients over the age of 21, and includes Restylane, Restylane-L®Restylane® Lyft with LidocaineRestylane® SilkRestylane® KysseRestylane® RefyneRestylane® Defyne, and Restylane® Contour.


Restylane-L® $600/syr

Restylane-L® is for mid-to-deep injection into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Restylane® and Restylane-L® are also indicated for injection into the lips.
Restylane Define Phoenix AZ

Restylane® Defyne $675/syr

Restylane® Defyne is for mid-to-deep injection into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe deep facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds. Restylane® Defyne is also indicated for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis (subcutaneous and/or supraperiosteal) for augmentation of the chin region to improve the chin profile in patients with mild to moderate chin retrusion.

Restylane® Lyft $750/syr

Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is for deep implantation into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds and for cheek augmentation and for the correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies. Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is also indicated for injection into the dorsal hand to correct volume loss.

Restylane® Silk $600/syr

Restylane® Silk is for lip augmentation and for correction of perioral wrinkles.

Restylane® Refyne $675/syr

Restylane® Refyne is for mid-to-deep injection into the facial tissue for the correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds.

Restylane® Kysse $725/syr

Restylane® Kysse is for lip augmentation and for correction of upper perioral wrinkles.
Rouge & Wright